CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2022:5542 Important
Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2022:5542
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
7e0f590ddcedeebdbcdd4b72907bb5cb9affb7ffdc5d55c89e57dfc3eae94eb3 squid-3.5.20-17.el7_9.7.x86_64.rpm
3fe92e24b021f0064189e1c7e735a79fffdf4d33994fb8e504bcdbbd19dacb33 squid-migration-script-3.5.20-17.el7_9.7.x86_64.rpm
af7e93ece536de48118743c25ba2dc36958cb213c049a71bf622da7992e28132 squid-sysvinit-3.5.20-17.el7_9.7.x86_64.rpm
a18b79865c2da4883896084d1d5997ad6c54232c334a322bf4e59faece98dc1d squid-3.5.20-17.el7_9.7.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)libera.chat
Twitter: @JohnnyCentOS
Due to a scheduled pagure upgrade, we'll have to move the existing
Pagure instance (aka https://git.centos.org) to a new node.
Migration is scheduled for """"Monday June 13rd, 7:00 am UTC time"""".
You can convert to local time with $(date -d '2022-06-13 07:00 UTC')
The expected "downtime" is estimated to ~60 minutes , time needed to :
- backup/restore last DB dump
- import and convert DB schema for newer pagure version
- last data (sources in lookaside cache and git repositories) sync
- verify service and switch public IP to new host.
Important note wrt that migration is that we're moving from pagure 5.8
running on CentOS 7 to pagure 5.13 on RHEL 8.
It means it's a new host and so sshd host keys will change (we didn't
want to import older host keys to comply with newer algo)
The new fingerprint will be displayed at usual place
(https://git.centos.org/ssh_info) but it only matters for SIGs users
pushing to specific projects/branches over ssh.
For people pulling through https, nothing changes.
Here are in advance the new fingerprints :
rsa=3072 SHA256:qeSehpwh3X7HI0D/jF7N4qZcergdr9tUCdaZ2EIdiLc (RSA)
rsa_md5=3072 MD5:a9:a1:ba:83:96:71:28:ca:86:19:c0:5d:4f:48:9f:63 (RSA)
ecdsa=256 SHA256:vIRsg5g/t/7ucYP4NKTkcPJdE7CWbFQVInscthHKihU (ECDSA)
ecdsa_md5=256 MD5:8f:40:35:4f:b9:43:60:d9:09:c0:5f:80:52:69:c8:8d (ECDSA)
Also worth knowing that we also present a signed cert for sshd host
keys, so if you already trust our CA
in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, you'll not even have to accept new key
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
on behalf of the Infra team,
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2022:4638
Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2022:4638
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
f9a5378694573063ecf61c516d27731ba3a515cc1b91bfced9a7057634a8d54c at-3.1.13-25.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
73839ad166f5daa6f4e5a2a9b08686fda05962283302afa1963df3b66c4b53e0 at-sysvinit-3.1.13-25.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
ddb7f32bfe8a656c8baa88391a7ef38be221e364367fc037f492966ecc64e992 at-3.1.13-25.el7_9.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)libera.chat
Twitter: @JohnnyCentOS