Due to a hardware maintenance (moving some gluster volumes to Infiniband, so adding/configuring the IB HBAs), we'll have to shutdown some nodes in the CentOS Infra.
Migration is scheduled for Friday November 19th, 9:30 am UTC time. You can convert to local time with $(date -d '2014-11-19 09:30 UTC')
The expected "downtime" is estimated to ~180 minutes (multiple things happening at the same time), but we hope to be able to restart the whole stack sooner.
Impacted services : - - IPv6 traffic to www.centos.org (the server will remain online and accessible through IPv4, only the IPv6-to-v4 reverse proxy we use the moment will be offline, so AAAA record will even be removed during that maintenance) - - http://seven.centos.org
Thanks for your comprehending and patience.
on behalf of the Infra team, - --
Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab