It is now built into Fedora29-arm.  That is where Mark got the source and the systemd support.  Yes, earlier many just used it.  Now Fedora-arm is based on it.

On the Fedora-arm list, Peter Robinson has said he is seeing 4-5 fold compression.  That means that if you use a factor of 2 and have a 1GB memory SOC, that is effectively 2.5GB ram.  Or use a factor of 4 for effectively 1.75GB and less 'swapping'.  So you can use your 1GB duo core system more effectively, even if you currently have swap on a HD or SSD sata or USB attached.

On 10/12/18 12:25 PM, Gordan Bobic wrote:
Because swapping to SD card is slow, swapping to zram is fast, and zram only takes about 1/2 of the RAM that it provides.
It's basically RAM compression.
It works and makes a positive difference, even without exceedingly slow storage.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 5:16 PM Fred Gleason <> wrote:
On Oct 7, 2018, at 07:58, Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:

I have very recently learned about zram-swap.  Fedora-29-arm is using it.  It supposedly makes a considerable difference even over HD swap.

Since many (potential) users of Centos-arm do not have a ready HD, perhaps we can switch the image from a physical partition to zram? Or at least instructions to change to this on the wiki.

Not to be utterly naive, but why is swap required on such systems at all? To take core RAM and repurpose it as swap would seem to vitiate the entire point of having a virtual memory subsystem in the first place.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
| Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add,  |
| but when there is no longer anything to take away.                   |
|                                    -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery       |
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