I don't want to do this a couple hours before quitting for the day.  I will work on putting it on medon Sunday.

On 02/24/2017 03:33 PM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
On 24/02/17 13:08, Fabian Arrotin wrote:

And just replying to myself : CONFIG_IP_DCCP isn't set in the default
bcm2709_defconfig used to build the rpi kernel, so nothing really to fix
for those kernels.
But as I built the 4.4.50 kernel for it, you can grab it from

Still waiting for the 4.4.51 to finish building before pushing it to
buildlogs.centos.org too (in kernel-generic repo)

And now 4.4.51 is also available in the testing repo

After some positive feedback, we can sign/push to release and normal mirrors

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