I hope your week is going great.

... my  Banana Pi 2M Ultra will not boot (working on getting a refund or a replacement).   As an aside -- If you have good place to get one let me know

 I do have the rock64, a raspberry pi3 b+ and pi4 b (4G) 

 If it would be of value I could turn to one of those.  Let me know if there is anything specific.  I have the C8 CentOS-8-aarch64-1905-dvd1.iso downloaded
and will work on moving that to the rock64.  

Else I will hold until I have the bpi, ok?  

Thanks for your time

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 6:02 AM Pablo Sebastián Greco <pablo@fliagreco.com.ar> wrote:

El 20/9/19 a las 13:41, Douglas E. Hopley Jr. escribió:
> Good Day , I hope this finds you well.
>  update - You and exchanged some email  and IRC text in part about
> CentOS/ARM/UBoot.
>  I have just received the recommended BananaPi 2M Ultra I ordered and
> a Rock64 2G
>   I dug more into U-Boot and am setting up the toolchain (ref =
> http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_U-Boot)
> on one of my x86_64
Ok, the bpi-m2u should "just work" with the images from 7.7, in fact
those images have the sata patches backported from 4.20 into 4.19.
Steps are just what is outlined in the wiki
>  I send this message to ask if there is anything specific I  would be
> of value to help with.  I suspect there
> is a lot going on (CentoOS 7.7 and 8.x) and know I am a bit of a noob
> but where I can help I would be
> glad to do so (with hopefully not being too much burden as I
> 'bootstrap') .  Does that seem reasonable?
Once you have that bpi working, and you're familiar with the steps, it
would help a lot getting that rock64 to work, even with non-standard
Once it works that way, we can move on to standard things.
I can't help much more than that, because I don't have (yet) any aarch64
socs (ok, I have rpi3b and rpi4b, but assigned to other things).
>  What is best next step?  Or where, if you would direct me, to look.
>  Best,
> Doug


P.S.: Don't worry about asking things that you may think are noob
questions, those are needed to learn ;-)

Douglas E. Hopley Jr. 
 url = ipcloud.net