On 05/10/2018 02:45 AM, cjvijf@gmail.com wrote:
There is http://mirror.centos.org/altar
Yeah would be great if there was a 64 bit ISO for the RPI3
ch/7.5.1804/isos/aarch64/ but AFAIK there are no current plans for live ISOs for arm. A voice from the public ( read that as "one of the core devs" ) just said, and I quote "the epel livemedia creator MIGHT work but I have never tested it"
Aung, more details on what you attempted and where you failed might help others help you.
On 05/09/2018 05:35 PM, Aung PhyoKyaw wrote:
I was able to cerate a customized live CentOS iso on x86_64 architecture using LiveCD -tools
But I was trying to create the LIve CD on ARM64 architecture system using that tools but so far i was not able to create it.
So is there any alternative tools to create a customized Live CD for ARM64.
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