My apologies - the previous poll was set to the wrong time zone (thanks to those who let me know!)

Here is an updated poll:

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 8:22 AM Jeffrey Osier-Mixon <> wrote:
Hi folks - I have had a few requests to change the monthly meeting time for the formal Automotive SIG meeting, and I also have a conflict with it going forward. The existing time (fourth Thursday, 1500 UTC) does not work for everyone who wants to attend. I put together a poll with a few times:

If any of these work for you, or especially if none of them work for you, please respond on this thread so we can nail down a good time.

thanks all

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive