Incident Date:
Incident Time:
20:20 UTC
Approximate outage Time
35 minutes
Services Affected:
- Local mirrors hosted at mirror*
- NFS mounted directories to the CI storage node
- CI Monitoring
The server that services mirror requests in was hard
locked. We got into the console and rebooted the server and service is
now restored. There is a short period left when we are pausing jobs in
CI to let Duffy catch back up.
Thank you for your …
[View More]patience.
Brian Stinson
CentOS CI Infrastructure Team
[View Less]
Hi Folks,
We will be upgrading to Origin 3.6 on Wednesday.
This should not affect any projects besides the Atomic CI Pipeline and
Datahub (who have already been notified).
We'll be hanging out in #centos-devel on Freenode if you have questions.
Brian Stinson
CentOS CI Infrastructure Team
we've had a 4 hour outage on for jobs running with the
githubprb plugin to validate PR's etc on
everything looks fixed now, please report if you continue to see issues.
Brian will have details on what broke etc later in the day
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
+44-207-0999389 | |
GnuPG Key :
Hi Folks,
To fix the Github Pull Request issue, I need to issue a Jenkins restart.
I'll attempt to restart the jobs that were running at the time.
Thanks for your patience,
Hello to all !
I am new to this list ! Is this list for discussing issues..?
Thanks Nick
__________ Information from ESET Endpoint Antivirus, version of detection
engine 16076 (20170913) __________
The message was checked by ESET Endpoint Antivirus.
Email message - is OK
__________ Information from ESET Endpoint Antivirus, version of detection
engine 16076 (20170913) __________
The message was checked by ESET Endpoint Antivirus.
Email message - is OK
Hi Folks,
We have seeded a pre-release tree of CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 into CI (and
also CBS) to give you all a chance to preview, build,and test against
what will be released to the mirrors.
Over the next few minutes we will be emptying the Duffy pools and reinstalling
all the CentOS 7 nodes with the latest 7.4.1708 content. You may see a
short disruption during this time, but we should be back to a full pool
If you run into any trouble over the next few days, please let us know in
[View More]centos-devel on Freenode or here on the ci-users list.
Brian Stinson
CentOS CI Infrastructure Team
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Hi all,
we have talked on the Fedora Infra workshop on Flock about the Jenkins
CI our Fedora AltArch team is doing for upstream projects and which we
want to move to some public infra. So I've subscribed here to continue
with the discussion :-)
I've read the CentOS CI wiki(s) and I'm pretty sure it would work for
our use case. My question is how far are you with offering AltArch VMs
as Jenkins slaves? In an email few months back I read about aarch64 and
ppc64/ppc64le, that would be good. I …
[View More]can work with the Marist College
(and Linux Foundation) people to give us access to at least one more
s390x guests on their mainframe. This way there would be all major
arches covered. But is it possible to connect remote slaves?
What should be the next step from our side? Requesting a new project
so we can set the jobs even before we get all slaves in place?
With regards,
[View Less]
Hi Folks,
In response to a request ( we
were able to add the Mattermost plugin to CICO. If you have a mattermost
instance, see the documentation on the plugin page to help with the
We will not be setting a global configuration for this plugin, so you're
responsible for each job you wish to connect up.
Brian Stinson