On Fri, Mar 3, 2017, at 02:49 PM, Brian Stinson wrote:
> This is still in the bringup stage.
Is it on baremetal? This would make it easier to do virt-in-containers.
If you recall I use Duffy to allocate worker machines which may do
builds/tests, but not necessarily *on* or for the base CentOS 7 host.
(BTW, I'd still like Atomic Host as a provisioning option)
I've been thinking about changing this to set up an OpenShift cluster
and have the jobs schedule containers into it...but the awkward thing
about this (in thought experiment stage, not getting into things like networking across nodes)
would be the duffy timeout killing the masters.
> I think this scenario is about to become "painful" (we knew/know this is
> coming). The reason for a single master was that the Jenkins frontend
> was meant to be the point of collaboration to visualize the 'matrix' of
> tests between related projects but lately it's more noisy than anything.
Yeah. I really don't like any of the Jenkins web UI to be honest, though
the "blue ocean" stuff for Pipeline looks decent. But that's more of
a targeted specific case.
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