I just opened a bug report with more information:From what I can see, not a single duffy get node is working.--On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 12:47 PM, Budh Ram Gurung <bgurung@redhat.com> wrote:Hi,We are experiencing slave failure [1]Really not sure if it is related to it or not.On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Radim Hopp <rhopp@redhat.com> wrote:______________________________Today, we are experiencing some network failures in our jobs running on ci.centos.org infra and now our jobs even fail to obtain duffy node (examples: [1], [2]).--Is there any expected outage, or ci.centos.org is just so unstable?_________________
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Regards,Budh Ram Gurung
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