Hello all,
My name is Zach, and I'm a member of the Foreman team. We use ci.centos.org to run some of our testing. About 30 minutes ago I was setting up a job to maintain the jobs that we use on ci.centos.org and I copied over a command that we use on ci.theforeman.org which will update jobs and delete old jobs. We use this with ci.theforeman.org as we maintain all of our jobs in the same repository, also not realizing that the foreman user would have permissions to delete other jobs. I realized a bit into the job that it was not doing this, and instead was deleting other users jobs. I stopped the job, but it had already deleted 128 jobs. I sincerely apologize for this, it was not intentional, but a big mistake. I'm attaching a list of all the deleted jobs so that users can be aware. We will be removing this command and not running this again.
Once again I sincerely apologize, for any undue stress or harm this may have caused.