On 16/08/2022 15:58, Camila Granella wrote:
Hello everyone,
This is a friendly reminder of the current and upcoming status of CentOS CI changes (check [1]).
Projects that opted-in for continuing on CentOS CI have been migrated, and the new Duffy API is available. With that, /*phase 0* has been completed/. Regarding */phase 1/*, we are still working on a permanent fix for the DB Concurrency issues [2]. Also, as for our OpenShift new deployment, we have a staging environment up and running, and it should be available at the beginning of September 2022.
In October 2022 we begin /phase 2/ when we will work through the following items (these were also previously communicated in [1]):
- legacy/compatibility API endpoint will handover EC2 instances instead of local seamicro nodes (VMs vs bare metal)
- bare-metal options will be available through the new API only
- legacy seamicro and aarch64/ThunderX hardware are decommissioned
- only remaining "on-premises" option is ppc64le (local cloud)Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns
The final deadline for decommissioning the old infrastructure (/phase 3/) is *December 2022*. We will be communicating further until then, and meanwhile, reach out to any of us in case you have any questions.
[1] [ci-users] Changes on CentOS CI and next steps: https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/ci-users/2022-June/004547.html https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/ci-users/2022-June/004547.html [2] DB Concurrency issues: https://github.com/CentOS/duffy/issues/523
Camila Granella
Just to add that the storage box know as https://artifacts.ci.centos.org will also move to AWS. Infra is ready but we wanted to do the service migration somewhere in September. Reason is that we have some people on PTO and switching it means some (small) code changes : The old internal box (private vlan) was accepting plain rsync with a rsync password as authentication. The replacement box will be (re)using ssh pki, as you already have a dedicated ssh keypair, and so push/pull/rsync will happen over ssh (to encrypt traffic to/from duffy nodes to that box)
Stay tuned for when we'll announce the artifacts service migration and we'll reflect new setup on dedicated guide (https://sigs.centos.org/guide/ci/)