Welcome to the CentOS CI team Anton, happy to have you onboard.
w.r.t 3.6 - there are some test builds already in place, I am CC'ing in
troy who has details. Are we looking at plugging into the build, test
infra there ?
Ari should have more info around this as well.
On 12/07/17 16:20, Anton Sherkhonov wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm with Systems Design & Engineering group and I'm working on the Data
> Hub in CentOS CI OpenShift.
> Major part of Data Hub infrastructure is Elasticsearch 5.
> Elasticsearch 5 is not officially supported in OpenShift 3.5 deployed in
> CentOS CI, we're working on getting proper Elasticsearch 5 support into
> OpenShift 3.7 and most likely we'll need at least OpenShift 3.6 features
> to properly support Elasticsearch 5.
> The reason for the requirement of OpenShift 3.6 is because we're moving
> to the new oauth-proxy to secure the routes for Kibana/Cerebro web ui,
> which requires OpenShift 3.6.
> It would be great to have CentOS CI OpenShift environment upgraded to
> 3.6 soon after 3.6 is out.
> Thanks,
> Anton.
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
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