On 08/08/16 17:52, Eric D Helms wrote:
In our case, 2 might be a bit limiting and push us to using virtualization on the boxes instead of treating them as bare metal deployments. A "basic" Foreman/Katello topology would be a server and a capsule with 1 or more clients (with 1 being a generally OK test case). The difference is that it takes ~1-1.5 hours to do a full successful deployment, installation and test run currently. I don't mind switching to virtualization as this is how we test locally and do development, however, it does change the workflow and scripts which would need accounting for.
This is great feedback, we dont want you to switch to virt at all. So in your above model, 3 machines in one deployment / run is what you are looking at ?
Was talking to David on irc a few minutes back, and he too thinks that 2/10 min cycle might be too low to start from.
maybe we can start with 4/10 min, that allows you to get a new job off every 10 min ( you might still hit total deployment quota - which we usually set to 10 machines per project, and tweak up as needed ).
the key thing is that I dont want to get in the way, we encourage folks to run and test as they would in user scenarios - so just need a conservative number to start from, then tweak it as needed while protecting jobs against a runaway script or a mass queue run. ie. let jenkins handle the backlog queue, rather than have jobs fail due to machine pool being depleted.
Do you have an idea of the average time to live for provisioned boxes? And how many at any given time tend to be provisioned from the pool?
At the moment, we recommend folks plan on clearing out / tearing down within 6 hrs of deployment ( although we dont reap the machines well past 24 hrs, we might need to reduce that once we start hitting load / capacity ).