A week ago, CI-admin had added our requested github token for 'minishift' [1] to the credential store [2].
However, assuming things will go as expected, we are still facing "Github API rate limit" error in our builds [3].
We tried to debug with adding stdout logs (see below at time in build console log [4]) in our code and found token empty. - *00:00:53.627* * - **00:07:04.759*
Also, suggests us the proper way to debug in this type of scenarios with no UI access as we are new to JJB approach.
[1] https://github.com/minishift/minishift [2] https://github.com/minishift/minishift-ci-jobs/pull/11 [3] https://ci.centos.org/job/minishift/88/console (same with #86, #87) [4] https://ci.centos.org/job/minishift/83/console (same with #81)
Regards, Budh Ram Gurung Software Engineer - Devtools