On 13/01/17 22:25, Karanbir Singh wrote:
the docker-distribution package can act as a smart proxy for docker registries; and having a local cache inside the ci infra would help speed up a lot of the jobs I am working with at the moment there.
Do we have the space to host a cache of this nature ? I'd think a 15 to 20 GB of space is all we need.
Could we then have dns inside the ci infra use this cache for the dockerhub urls ?
Any objections to getting this in ?
I'd say it's oable, and we already "override" some DNS records internally to redirect to internal node/mirror in the same network (known example : mirrorlist.centos.org)
But the only question I have is about the dockerhub urls : are those using tcp/443 and so TLS ? if so, that will not work as we can't impersonate such server (and thanks to TLS btw). If they are only using plain tcp/80 or tcp/5000 , that should work