On 13/11/15 21:19, David Moreau Simard wrote:
I read the docs, the mailing lists and glanced over the various scripts out there and was convinced there had to be a better way than using curl to communicate with admin.ci.centos.org.
Introducing python-cicoclient: - Github: https://github.com/dmsimard/python-cicoclient - PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-cicoclient/ - Docs: http://python-cicoclient.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
I broke down this package in three main components: - client.py: Abstracts the http stuff - wrapper.py: Uses client.py to wrap around the available API calls and provide a consistent user experience - shell.py/cli.py: Provide a CLI interface around wrapper.py
It can be used as both a CLI client with the provided 'cico' binary but also as a library - you can easily import wrapper and roll your own thing.
Feel free to use it, contribute and provide feedback !
Please note that as of right now, there is a problem with the "node get" command due to an upstream bug, documented here: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=9748 Please do not use "node get" until this bug is fixed :)
David Moreau Simard Senior Software Engineer | Openstack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]
Looks very promising ! Wondering if then we can have a .spec, and build/deploy it as rpm within the CI env, on the jenkins slave nodes, so that people would have an alternative.
- -- Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab