I’m sure I’m doing something silly, but I’m not able to add two new SSSD team members to the Admin list on ci.centos.org so that the CI runs on their PRs without having to be explicitly approved.
Here’s what I did: - I went to: https://ci.centos.org/ - log in as the sssd user - click on the ‘sssd’ project - click on the ‘sssd-CentOS7’ project - click on configure on the left - select the “Build Triggers” tab - there is a box called “Admin list” which contains usernames - add the usernames there - click “Save” and “Apply” on the lower bar
But still, both users’ PRs are being “gated” by the centos-ci user. Am I missing something? Does something need to be configured on the github side as well perhaps?
btw everything works for users who were added some time ago to the whitelist..but I’ve inherited the maintenance of the SSSD ci.centos.org so this is the first time I’m adding new developers myself.
Thank you for your help.