On 06/11/2014 02:47 PM, Chris St. Pierre wrote:and there are federation opportunities as well, so its possible for
> Gitblit offers an API that should permit you to list repos easily
> enough: http://gitblit.com/rpc.html
> It seems pretty trivial to use,
> e.g.: https://git.centos.org/rpc?req=LIST_REPOSITORIES
> You should be able to use that to clone all of the repos and then use
> some combination of 'git fetch' and 'git log' to get the activity logs.
> Or use the RSS feeds for each repo, if you prefer. TIMTOWTDI.
> This seems like a significant improvement, since you no longer have to
> diff the ftp 'ls' output -- there are actual machine-consumable feeds
> and APIs to use.
people to bring up and run their own git mirrors for the repos they care
about ( and are public ).
- KB
Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
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