On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 9:31 AM Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 4:28 AM Daan De Meyer <daan.j.demeyer@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems that the selinux-policy rpm is built from
>> git@gitlab.cee.redhat.com:SELinux/selinux-policy.git which seems to be
>> a redhat internal repository. More specifically, if I try to checkout
>> the commit listed in the selinux-policy spec
>> (https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/selinux-policy/-/blob/c9s/selinux-policy.spec#L3)
>> in the fedora-selinux repository cloned from github, I get an error
>> saying that the commit does not exist. It would be great if the
>> repository containing this commit was publicly available and open for
>> external contributors just like all the other packages in CentOS
>> Stream. Is it possible to make this happen?
> I'm not the selinux-policy maintainer, so I can't comment on where they work on the selinux-policy source code.
> But this is how I get the sources, if that is what you are ultimately looking for.
> centpkg clone selinux-policy
> cd selinux-policy
> centpkg sources
> or if you want to know where they really are
> centpkg -v sources
> This shows it to be coming from
> https://sources.stream.centos.org/sources/rpms/selinux-policy/selinux-policy-66a4b6e.tar.gz/sha512/797e746ccd271fe531a91b2639aed06447fb2720267dadba225989d81634b1fb7b2a4e78262612a41b6073f6e0eca358b8c274adc33630cd3f0db1390cd57767/selinux-policy-66a4b6e.tar.gz
> The sources information is found in the sources file
> https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/selinux-policy/-/blob/c9s/sources
> I know this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I hope it still helps.
I think the idea is that having the Git repository in a public
location would allow the CentOS Hyperscale SIG to contribute to the
SELinux policy in a meaningful way.
Ah, ok. That makes sense.
As I said, I'm not the maintainer so I don't know why it's where it is. So I'll step out of the conversation.