Thanks Fabian
with these discussions can we have CentOS 7 maximum until mid of July ?

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Fabian Arrotin <> wrote:
On 22/06/14 14:53, Shafiee Roozbeh wrote:
> Hi community
> is there any release schedule for CentOS 7 ?
> not exact schedule I mean... I follow all topics in development mailing
> list and I know that there is no release schedule announcement by
> Karanbir and the other guys. I mean approximate schedule...
> I asked this question because the time interval between RHEL 6.0 and
> CenOS 6.0 was more than 240 days.  (according to wikipedia:
> ) . For CentOS 7 we should await
> this much ?
> Thanks
> --
> Roozbeh Shafiee
> Linux/BSD System Administrator and Python Developer
> RoozbehShafiee.Com <http://RoozbehShafiee.Com>


If you followed the discussions/annoucements on, you
probably know that we have an installable tree/some live media ISO
images (on So (not promising anything, nor
"writing something in the stone" here) I'd bet more on "days" than
"weeks" for a Seven release ....


Fabian Arrotin
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
CentOS-devel mailing list

Roozbeh Shafiee
Linux/BSD System Administrator and Python Developer