Hi, and Thanks Jason!
It seems I have run into an ugly mix of stale repo data and a buggy ansible playbook openshift/installer.cfg.ym combo; or is it a yum feature?
After cleaning it still did not list the origin-master rpm; then I remebered, that the playbook executes the origin-exclude script.
After removing the exclude line in yum.conf and another yum clean all - voila, origin-master (and all the others) were visible.
Now, I might have remembered the exclude list early, if ALL listed packages were invisible, but a couple -origin-clients, origin-node and above all origin- where listed in yum search origin. But not origin-master - strange!
To cut a short story short: thanks for your mail, the yum clean all helped me on the way.
Regards, Stefan
exclude= tuned-profiles-origin-node  origin-tests  origin-sdn-ovs  origin-recycle  origin-pod  origin-node  origin-master  origin-dockerregistry  origin-clients-redistributable  origin-clients  origin 
yum search origin
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirror.23media.de
 * extras: mirror.23media.de
 * updates: mirror.ratiokontakt.de
=============== N/S matched: origin ================================================
centos-release-openshift-origin13.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.3 packages
centos-release-openshift-origin14.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.4 packages
centos-release-openshift-origin15.noarch : Yum configuration for OpenShift Origin 1.5 packages
google-noto-sans-canadian-aboriginal-fonts.noarch : Sans Canadian Aboriginal font
origin-clients.x86_64 : Origin Client binaries for Linux
origin-node.x86_64 : Origin Node
tuned-profiles-origin-node.x86_64 : Tuned profiles for Origin Node hosts
centos-release-openshift-origin.noarch : Common release file to establish shared metadata for CentOS PaaS SIG
ksh.x86_64 : The Original ATT Korn Shell
origin.x86_64 : Open Source Container Management by Red Hat
origin-docker-excluder.noarch : Exclude docker packages from updates
origin-excluder.noarch : Exclude openshift packages from updates
texlive-tetex.noarch : scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2017 um 18:45 Uhr
Von: "Jason DeTiberus" <jdetiber@redhat.com>
An: "The CentOS developers mailing list." <centos-devel@centos.org>
Betreff: Re: [CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS openshift origin rpm: missing origin-master
On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Jason DeTiberus <jdetiber@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 11:56 AM, <freebsd@go4more.de> wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I am trying to build an openshift cluster on centos7 with rpms. Now, since this afternoon, at least, I can not find the origin-master rpm (containing the systectl service configuration, et.al).
>> I am sure the origin-master rpm was to be found yesterday; can anyone tell me what happened?
>> Regards, Stefan.
>> I have am working with the following Repo List:
>> base/7/x86_64 CentOS-7 - Base
>> centos-openshift-origin CentOS OpenShift Origin
>> centos-openshift-origin15 CentOS OpenShift Origin
>> extras/7/x86_64 CentOS-7 - Extras
>> updates/7/x86_64 CentOS-7 - Updates
> Looking at the repo
> (http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/paas/x86_64/openshift-origin15/) I
> see the package. I'm wondering if it could have been a mirror sync
> issue that you hit during the install.

Alternatively, you could have stale repo metadata. You can try a 'yum
clean all'.

Jason DeTiberus
CentOS-devel mailing list