On 22 September 2017 at 14:09, Marcin Dulak <marcin.dulak@gmail.com> wrote:

The ansible available in EPEL7 http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/ansible.git/log/ will become deprecated and no new builds (like the latest ansible
will be made in EPEL7. It would be nice to have the latest ansible packaged for CentOS7 somewhere outside of EPEL - are there any plans how to handle this?



On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 7:18 PM, Brian Stinson <brian@bstinson.com> wrote:
On Sep 08 12:22, David Moreau Simard wrote:
> I think this is great news.
> We'd like to have the opportunity to test it in the cloud SIG, is
> there a way to do that before it's in the wild ?

We're planning on giving CBS and CI a bit of a head-start on the release
once the altarch builds finish up. Watch for an announcement here, and
on ci-users for details.

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As part of the work carried out internally at Red Hat to make this change the Ansible team has put together their own yum repos that can be used as a direct source from upstream too ...


They have a variety of builds there that can be used:

  * release - the stable released version
  * preview - betas and release candidates leading up to a release
  * nightly - nightly builds of the devel and stable-* branches in git for early testing or fixes

The nightly repos sound especially useful for an "early warning" CI setup of testing ansible roles.