As part of OpenStack deployments we deploy RabbitMQ. During current
cycle I looked at moving from CentOS Stream 8 to 9.
And RabbitMQ is a problem.
When I boot CentOS Stream 9 system and then use just built 'rabbitmq'
container memory use of "/usr/lib64/erlang/erts-"
process goes up to 1.6GB ram:
(rabbitmq)[root@kolla-cs9 /]# rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown
Reporting memory breakdown on node rabbit@kolla-cs9...
other_system: 1.6233 gb (68.59%)
allocated_unused: 0.5164 gb (21.82%)
binary: 0.1551 gb (6.55%)
code: 0.0356 gb (1.51%)
other_proc: 0.0184 gb (0.78%)
connection_other: 0.0037 gb (0.16%)
other_ets: 0.0036 gb (0.15%)
queue_procs: 0.0021 gb (0.09%)
plugins: 0.0021 gb (0.09%)
connection_readers: 0.0021 gb (0.09%)
atom: 0.0014 gb (0.06%)
mgmt_db: 0.001 gb (0.04%)
metrics: 8.0e-4 gb (0.03%)
connection_writers: 4.0e-4 gb (0.02%)
connection_channels: 4.0e-4 gb (0.02%)
mnesia: 3.0e-4 gb (0.01%)
msg_index: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
quorum_ets: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
stream_queue_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
stream_queue_replica_reader_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
queue_slave_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
quorum_queue_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
stream_queue_coordinator_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
reserved_unallocated: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
If I boot the same container on Debian host then same process uses 0.2GB
(rabbitmq)[root@debian /]# rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown
Reporting memory breakdown on node rabbit@debian...
binary: 0.2787 gb (70.2%)
code: 0.0355 gb (8.93%)
other_system: 0.0255 gb (6.44%)
other_proc: 0.0209 gb (5.26%)
connection_other: 0.0108 gb (2.72%)
mgmt_db: 0.0073 gb (1.84%)
plugins: 0.0048 gb (1.2%)
other_ets: 0.0037 gb (0.93%)
connection_readers: 0.003 gb (0.75%)
queue_procs: 0.0028 gb (0.7%)
atom: 0.0015 gb (0.37%)
metrics: 0.0011 gb (0.28%)
connection_channels: 8.0e-4 gb (0.21%)
mnesia: 4.0e-4 gb (0.1%)
connection_writers: 2.0e-4 gb (0.05%)
msg_index: 0.0 gb (0.01%)
quorum_ets: 0.0 gb (0.01%)
stream_queue_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
stream_queue_replica_reader_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
queue_slave_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
quorum_queue_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
stream_queue_coordinator_procs: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
allocated_unused: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
reserved_unallocated: 0.0 gb (0.0%)
So I started checking. Maybe it is a problem of Erlang/RabbitMQ packages
provided by RabbitMQ team?
Booted CS9 system and deployed OpenStack using Debian based containers.
Again 1.6GB memory use.
So let build CS9 based containers using Erlang/RabbitMQ from CentOS
Stream 9 "messaging/rabbitmq-38" repository. Again 1.6GB memory use.
I am wondering what is a reason?
And what is proper solution?
For now I only know not-acceptable solution: deploy OpenStack using
Debian or Ubuntu and forget about CentOS Stream 9 and rest of RHEL 9 family.
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