
I was thinking include it in the page. So common information can have a single location but shared across multiple sites. 



On Monday, September 27, 2021, Tomas Tomecek <> wrote:
Amy, thank you for your feedback!

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 5:37 PM Amy Marrich <> wrote:

What would the searchability be for a new contributor in order to find the information? 

That's a good question. I hope contributors will be able to use a table of content to get to the proper page they are looking for. In the end, search engines should also index the documentation site so that will be another way to find what you are looking for. Does this answer your question?
Can we do 'includes' of pages so that shared content is in one location and can be included to others? That way for example a Fedora page talks about Fedora and then includes the information that is relative to all projects and then could even return to  Fedora specific information.

Amy, just to be clear, by "includes" do you mean to refer to the information by providing a link or directly include the text in such a documentation page?

I'm sorry my original post is so generic and hard to imagine - once we have concrete examples I believe it will be more clear what's the better approach.



Amy Marrich


Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms

Red Hat, Inc

Mobile: 954-818-0514

Slack:  amarrich

IRC: spotz