On 2 September 2014 11:14, Michael Lampe <mlampe0@googlemail.com> wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Michael Lampe <mlampe0@googlemail.com> wrote:

What about some kind of preconfigured protection of base repositories? Epel
doesn't live up to their own standards of not replacing system packages:

# yum -d3 update | grep epel

  --> advancecomp-1.19-1.el7.x86_64 from epel excluded (priority)

Isn't this something that should really be automated with some kind of
scanning at the repository level (for both package and file name

What if some package from epel gets included by RH with an update? This happened several times in the past and epel always kept their package available, even if had a higher version number than the now official RH package.

That should not happen (but it does because we aren't connected to what is in releases so end up with surprises every dot release) . Our process is meant to be the following:

1) Put package in EPEL.
2) At dot release make sure packages are not in core.
3) If in core, remove or move our package to a NEVR that won't be replaced by in-stream package. 

One problem is that there are many many sub-channels for RHEL of which we only counted a couple as 'core' because we had access to them on a general Enterprise account. We then end up with packages which are different from shipped packages because rhel-some-channel-6.5 had a package which conflicts with EPEL. At the moment, we are looking at having a 'if it is in Base CentOS we aren't going to conflict.' policy. This will take some doing still but should allow for us to clean up our act.

The secondary problem is that if you had package-1.2.4-8 and RHEL releases its next dot release with package-1.2.3-6.. you are stuck with the version EPEL had in it and nothing can be done about it. We can remove it from the repo but your system will have a version which won't see any updates. That is the nature of secondary channels.. and I don't see anything but a yum plugin which says 'base channel has newer but older package in it please rebase'


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