On 15/12/16 00:18, Marcin Dulak wrote:
I'm still thinking there can be something in centos box.ovf that makes it
vulnerable to such changes.
Someone familiar with the specification should be able to comment on this.
In the meantime I created an issue with vagrant:
Are you getting the correct boot order from centos/7 as described in the
vagrant issue?
No, I get the default boot order:
I see other settings imported correctly by VirtualBox (memory, cpus, storage controllers, network), and it doesn't display any error or warning if I import it manually:
$ VBoxManage import ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/centos-VAGRANTSLASH-7/1610.01/virtualbox/ box.ovf
0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...1 00%
Interpreting /Users/laur/.vagrant.d/boxes/centos-VAGRANTSLASH-7/1610.01/v irtualbox/box.ovf...
vmdisk1 42949672960 -1 http://www.vmware.com/interfaces/specifications/vmdk.html# centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk -1 -1streamOptimized
Virtual system 0:
0: Suggested OS type: "RedHat_64"
(change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values)
1: Suggested VM name "centos-7-1-1.x86_64"
(change with "--vsys 0 --vmname <name>")
2: Number of CPUs: 1
(change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>")
3: Guest memory: 512 MB
(change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>")
4: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra type=NAT
5: IDE controller, type PIIX4
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 5 --ignore")
6: IDE controller, type PIIX4
(disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 6 --ignore")
7: Hard disk image: source image=centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk, target path=/Users/laur/VirtualBox VMs/centos-7-1-1.x86_64/centos -7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk, controller=5;channel=0
(change target path with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --disk path";
disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore")
0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...1 00%
Successfully imported the appliance.
The Debian images don't even bother to specify a boot order, I doubt it makes a difference in practice. But if you think it's important, you can file a bug report against Image Factory (imgfac.org) - such a change would have to be made upstream.
Best regards,
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