On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 12:54 PM Neale Ferguson <neale@sinenomine.net> wrote:

The source RPM comes from the CentOS vault. I’m building it for a non-supported architecture. Sphinx 1.8.4 was also built from the vault. There was a parameter added to Sphinx to get it to ignore these type of errors but the default is not too so I am assuming there is a conf.py file somewhere in the build environment or some other means of providing that setting.


When using "%{pyver_bin} setup.py build_sphinx -b html", warning iserror is taken from a parameter in setup.cfg:


It's enabled there. However, in RDO, we disable it with macro py_req_cleanup:


Are you using the updated version of openstack-macros?, can you check how py_req_cleanup is defined?

Neale Ferguson






What spec are you using to build it?, we use:



can't you just pull the rpms from centos repos


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