The Minishift team is pleased to announce the release of Minishift 1.0.0 Beta 5.
Minishift [1] is a command-line tool that provisions and manages single-node OpenShift clusters optimized for development workflows. You can run Minishift on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows or macOS.
Release highlights
This release adds several features, enhancements, and bug fixes, including:
Minishift is now configured to use instead of [4].
The default routes for application will be created with the <VM IP> routing suffix.
The sudoers role was added to the “developer” user [5].
This role allows the “developer” to impersonate system:admin when running a command. For example, you can run “$ oc get nodes --as system:admin” while logged in as the developer user.
An important bug for proxy server (http/https) support was fixed [10].
We had a bug where registration was failing in proxy environments.
OpenShift related subcommands from the root context were moved under the “minishift openshift” command [11].
This release also includes many changes and bug fixes, which are detailed in the release notes [2] and milestone [3] . For information about getting started, using, and developing Minishift, see the documentation [6].
Additional components
We released new versions of the Boot2Docker ISO (v1.0.2) [ 8] and the CentOS ISO (v1.0.0-rc3) [7] images.
We added the ‘fuse-sshfs’ package to both the ISO images. With SSHFS, users can mount host folders. Currently this is a manual process [9] but we are working on automating it.
Please give the new release a try and let us know your feedback. The Minishift community hangs out at #minishift channel on Freenode and it is the perfect place to discuss anything Minishift related.