On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 5:16 PM Stephen John Smoogen <smooge@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 3) Mock is going to be.... awkward to port, due to multiple python
>>> dependencies in on the DVD.
>> Do you mean with using the system-python or using a python module?
I mean lots of modules, including pytest and python-setuptools_scm. It
also lacks doxygen.
Yeah it became clearer in your email I got after I sent this that you had dropped the explanation of what you meant.
> I believe for most compilations you need 1 more repository, Code Ready Linux Builder which contains a lot of the items you are looking for. With that enabled, you should be able to compile mock (at least my mockchain does not complain about missing packages).
Thank you for the pointer. I can believe that many such modules are in
a distinct channel. It's certainly not on the installation DVD. The
idea that "Code Ready Linux Builder" would contain various python
modules, but that basic sofrtware building tools like gcc, make, and
rpmbuild are om the basic AppStream channel seems..... well, it seems
contradictory to me. I see that channel mentioned in plans for RHEL 8
at https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/11/15/introducing-codeready-linux-builder/.
Is there any plan to support separating out this channel for CentOS? I
hope it will be accessible by default in the base configurations, I
really don't want to have deduce that my Chef configurations that need
to compile small local tools need to also already be subscribed to
such a separate channel.
I do not know what the plans are for how things will be separated out yet. As you point out the split of things is rather... chaotic and could be prone to change upstream. I do not know if anything is pushed to CentOS which says where things go either.. so it will be later in the build/test/rc cycle before I think things will be known for sure.
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