On 1/6/20 4:12 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
Second, where there's overlap, let's look at merging Fedora and CentOS SIGs
into joint bodies. We have groups like the cloud image SIGs which are
basically doing the exact same thing in two different ways. Same thing with
containers. We also have huge overlaps in documentation and community user
support and all sorts of non-technical project areas. I'm not saying these
all need to be smooshed together, but where it makes sense let's work
together. This, too, brings simplification to the "what's with CentOS vs.
Fedora" story: rather than making contributors pick, we can welcome all with
open arms.

I know that a number of us will be at FOSDEM in a few weeks. Would it be possible to find some space/time to brainstorm about what exactly this would entail, and see what the path to this looks like?

Friday, we have the Dojo, but perhaps Saturday or Sunday?

Rich Bowen - rbowen@redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166