Hi Karanbir,

Thanks for the email . Some initial thoughts. 

1. No. of commits across the test suite. Simple things like git log --since < > can be pumped into graphite . You'll get an understanding of how many people are committing and how many requests are pending .
2. test suite runs - No of tests that fail in versions 5 and 6 and across several of the setups you have. This can be just the number .
3. We could one per package and details of that 
Eg, package.httpd.tests.success - 4
      package.httpd.tests.failure - 1 
4. Other metrics that you need to identify stability of test suites . 

I have a few things around querying below ( either csv or json ) 

1. Success/failures based on platforms and mode of deploy.
Example: You can dump simple metrics back into graphite with 1 indicating success and 0 failure and create a hierarchy as follows: ( This is just an example) 


and we could write queries to get the Json api to see how deploys across kvm(Eg. deploy.kvm.*.*.success)  machines have happened over X days and maybe alert via Zabbix based on what we think it suitable. Graphite would just chart it and we'll have to have something sitting on top of it but having said that sending data to graphite( with statsd on top) is simple which is a point to consider. 

We've used this behavior for chef client runs across 200 odd machines at work and its worked really well for us. 

We can have slightly more fancy UI with graphene showing metrics of your choice:


ps: I briefly read about stash board after you wrote about it but have not tried it .

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:05 AM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@karan.org> wrote:
hi mamu,

On 03/13/2013 06:05 PM, Madhurranjan Mohaan wrote:
> Stashboard sounds good . We could also post messages to a graphite instance
> based on what we metrics we need and it'll give you nice graphs ,especially
> when you want to compare it with other metrics (in case they are
> comparable). +1 for the idea.

I had a poke around stashboard, and its pretty complicated and
cumbersome if we want to run it offline (ie. not on appengine ); there
are some other options as well.

Having seen the deploy + test scenarious we run, what sort of metrics do
you think we should shovel graphite way ?

Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
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