Hi Trevor,


Thank you!! for your response.


I will raise this issue on Bugzilla but I want to know why RPM is allow to install in your system when scriptlet failing error is coming?

Is this a right behavior?





From: Trevor Hemsley <trevor.hemsley@ntlworld.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 2:31 PM
To: The CentOS developers mailing list. <centos-devel@centos.org>; Maheshwari, Shagun <Shagun.Maheshwari@Harman.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [CentOS-devel] Rpm post scriplet failed with exit status 1 but return status of rpm is 0


On 10/07/2019 05:52, Maheshwari, Shagun wrote:



On CentOS 6, when we try to install any rpm it fails with scriplet failed with exit status 1 but return status of rpm is also 1 which is correct.


But On CentOS 7, we are not getting return status of rpm as 1 it is coming 0, which is installing the RPM.

Since CentOS is a rebuild of the sources used to create RHEL, you will need to report this on bugzilla.redhat.com to stand a chance of getting it changed. If Redhat accept the change and publish the fix then it will be picked up and rebuilt for CentOS once it is released.
