When can we expect docker images with CentOS 8? I see there's already an issue [1] open for it. Is there anything we can do to help make it happen?
I published my initial CentOS 8 images for Docker, and Vagrant earlier this week. The Docker image could certainly be improved, but your welcome to use it:
You can also find the Packer templates and scripts used to create it (and suggest improvements) here:
On my own list of TODOs: the RHEL 8 and by extension, the CentOS
8 version of Anaconda, require a number of microcode/firmware
packages that were typically removed from RHEL 7 and CentOS 7
containers. But they need to be included with 8, or it breaks the
automated install process. I haven't tried removing them
post-install yet.
I believe Brian Stinson, who has posted to this list in the past,
has been building CentOS 8 containers for a couple of months, but
I don't know if any of his images, or configs are available for
download. You can always ask though.