Thanks for your quick reply, and I verified the kernel-devel package, but
its missing xen headers. In fact there is no xen subfolder in that kernel-devel package.
I would be happy, if you can provide some source where xen headers are available for centOS 6.0 (32-bit).
I installed kernel-devel package with `yum install kernel-devel` command.
The el6 kernel uses pvops for xen, so the headers are in theOn 11/29/2011 11:43 PM, Ramana Reddy wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I installed CentOS 6.0 as VM on XenServer 6.0, but it seems that the
> CentOS 6.0 does
> not contain xen headers. Where should I get those headers. Some how I
> got 64-bit
> CentOS 6.0 Xen headers, and if I use in CentOS 6.0 32-bit OS, what are
> the complications.
> How can we rewrite the 64-bit headers to 32-bit headers. Help in this
> regard is highly appreciated.
kernel-devel package:
$ rpm -ql kernel-devel | grep xen
Hope this helps.
Corey Henderson
CentOS-devel mailing list