On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 3:12 PM Johnny Hughes <johnny@centos.org> wrote:
On 9/10/19 4:51 PM, Akshay Kumar wrote:
> One more thing I'd like to add is that there are a lot of people who can
> contribute more help and resources beyond just testing. So right now is
> probably not a good time but after the release perhaps it make sense to
> see if more people can contribute. I can't speak for anyone else but I
> definitely have some bandwidth and maintained an internal build for
> RHEL3 bootstrapped from src on RH9 and then 4. Then we moved to CentOS.

I have been building most of the CentOS releases for the the last 17
years. I know how to do it .. it just takes time to get it right.

But again, thanks for the offer.

Given the people bandwidth constraints and the limited amount of people actually doing most of the work of the project (especially during releases), I think it might be a good idea to consider how to bring on other contributors who can help learn from you. It's rather scary thinking that if you were to be hit by a bus (let's hope that never happens!), a lot of that experience and knowledge would go away. I know I have that same problem with my org and myself!

Would it be possible to look into bringing on additional folks who can help with releases after this one is done? It would also be great to bring in some "new blood" so you could maybe retire someday :) That could also help with the ability of having someone dedicated to the current release and someone else who could help with an upcoming release.

I appreciate all of the hard work you and others have been putting into this and am looking forward to 8 when it's ready.


Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab