On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 at 08:26, Josh Boyer <jwboyer@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 8:10 AM Gianluca Cecchi
<gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 1:41 PM Josh Boyer <jwboyer@redhat.com> wrote:
> [snip]
>> > Just trying to piece this all together so I can explain to my peers the business and community decisions going on here.
>> >
>> > Currently someone that set up a cluster with gfs2 in 7 can't do the same thing in 8 due to the dlm package missing. That is a loss of functionality and seems to indicate it's a bug or intentional reduction in feature set.
>> It's a bug in CentOS 7 that was kept unfixed.  The feature set from
>> RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 remains consistent, with it only being available in
>> the Resilient Storage AddOn.
>> josh
> Hi Josh,
> you are talking about RHEL consistency, but the point is CentOS "feature set" passing from 7 to 8 that has changed.
> As I see it:
> In RH EL 7 there was a dedicated group (as a paid add-on) for Resilient storage, providing lvm2-cluster, gfs2, ecc.
> In CentOS 7 that rpm recompiled yum group was made available to the community, so that at time of 7.2 for example I could transparently execute on my CentOS system:

Yes.  I explained why this happened in the original reply.

> I think it was made for an explicit decision, not by mistake. One of the reasons could be the typical bi-directional contribution model, useful for both parts, the community and Red Hat to improve their product offering.

I can't comment on the CentOS side directly, but I do know that the
collaboration between RHEL and CentOS was still in its early stages
around that time and often there were surprises to both groups.  I

For the most part there is little in what is delivered onto first ftp.redhat.com and then git.centos.org about what packages are 'shipped' and 'not-shipped'. This means that these differences between CentOS and Red Hat releases have existed in previous CentOS releases for different packages. Usually by the time someone who had a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions found the discrepancy, the package had been shipped and was considered permanent in CentOS. My understanding that other than by email communication or a manual audit, the only items that give a clue that something is not shipped are modules which in their build state tell the Module Build System what packages are to be included in the compose and which ones are to be filtered out. 

Stephen J Smoogen.