On 11/11/2014 11:00 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
On 11/08/2014 12:40 PM, Aditya Patawari wrote:
Is this a known issue or should I file a bug somewhere?
Are you using root or another use to run containers?

Dan said "You should not be allowing non root users to create docker

So what's the best practice we want to be pushing here, and is that
possible under the current setup?



CentOS-devel mailing list
Personally if it is a single user machine and you have sudo setup to be used without a password, then
set this up also. 

If this is a multi-user system, and you don't want all of your uses to be able to run as root, then
don't do it.  I would recommend just using sudo docker or better yet build a script that executes a specific
docker command that you user could run.

docker start foobar

docker exec -ti foobar /bin/sh

docker stop.sh
docker stop foobar

Then setup lines in sudoers to allow specific users to execute these scripts, only.