Dear Cloud SiG and CentOS Community Members,
As many of you know, there have been changes in Freenode which affect the RDO channel,
OpenInfra channels, and the channels of many other communities we work
closely with. After careful consideration, the OpenDev team has chosen
to move the Open Infrastructure Foundation IRC related infrastructure to
OFTC[0]. As of Monday, May 31st, OFTC will become the primary home of
RDO (#rdo) including where we host our meeting.
Fedora and CentOS Communities have chosen to move to Libera[1] and due
to our close relationship with these projects RDO will have a presence
on this system as well also in #rdo.
channel is already created on both systems and are ready for you to
join them and it is recommended you register your Nick[2][3] on both these systems.
While not a total solution, we would like to mention Matrix[4] which we hope in the future will be able to bridge OFTC and into one location.
Amy Marrich (spotz)
Amy Marrich
Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms
Red Hat, Inc
Mobile: 954-818-0514
Slack: amarrich
IRC: spotz