> > > Reviewing this, I realized I had a lot of grammar issues. Forgive
> > > me,
> > > please, a new cat is trying to colonize my keyboard, and I should
> > > have
> > > reviewed the message.
> > By the laws of The Internet, you now owe us pictures.
> On a text-only group? Frm work by Felix Lee:
> _,'| _.-''``-...___..--';)
> /_ \'. __..-' , ,--...--'''
> <\ .`--''' ` /'
> `-';' ; ; ;
> __...--'' ___...--_..' .;.'
> (,__....----''' (,..--'' Felix Lee <flee@cse.psu.edu>
I celebrate all things cat!
Technically, a url that leads to a picture of the cat conforms to the text only rule...