Im so happy with this other buddies reaction. in 10 minutes 4 developer and administrator announce their contribution in this project.

yes I inspired this project from pfsense and some of my projects based on FreeBSD/NanoBSD in previous company which I worked for. now our plan is based on Linux and CentOS

we will use your experiences and your source (if your license let us) for this project

yes , you are right ! lack of an interface for iptables is problem of most server administrators and users. our goal in this project and SIG is providing an integrated solution for firewalling and security.  

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Bryan Seitz <> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 07:06:03PM +0100, Filippo Carletti wrote:
> > is it any Firewall and UTM SIG based on IPTables and web interface in CentOS
> > project?
> > I would like to start this if is not exist.
> > what's your idea?
> I'd join you.
> I'm already working on NethServer (, the UTM
> firewall module is still in beta but we'll release something next
> week. We already have a gui for port forwarding and a web proxy based
> on squid with tproxy and optional port 443 transparent interception.
> I'm already using alpha versions of snort ips and wan failover.
> We use shorewall as "mid layer" above iptables.

It would be really cool to have something like pfsense built on top of linux/CentOS!


Bryan G. Seitz
CentOS-devel mailing list

Roozbeh Shafiee
Linux/BSD System Administrator and Python Developer