On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Jim Perrin <jperrin@centos.org> wrote:
So, running this by the list for opinions:

We're going to be moving the Artwork SIG from its current home at
https://projects.centos.org/trac/artwork/ (svn) to a new home on
Excelent :) 

In this transition, we'd like to clean up some of the older content
that's no longer used. The easy way to do this would be to pull current
svn repo, strip out the legacy content, and then upload clean into git.
Jim, I've already done this and uploaded the result to https://github.com/areguera/centos-artwork. This repository retains the svn history plus new commits I´ve been pushing locally through time. Would it be possible to consider this?