On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Brian Schueler
<brian.schueler@gmx.de> wrote:
what about a more technical/professional design?
My wishes were:
- to have the version number as a roman number - VI
(this should also be an allusion to the well-known editor)
It should have continuous stokes at the top and the bottom
so it's one symbol.
- to have the CentOS Logo (the image and the solid white
"CentOS" text (Denmark font)) on a 33% gray background
(#555555) for example.
- no rotating circle as plymouth animation (better: Nexus-like
stokes drawing the word CentOS, when drawn (full booted) the
4-color CentOS-Logo appears.)
Here are some proposal images from me - please say whether
it's nice or what can be made better. Your opinion, please.
The "VI" is made with an open source font (DejaVu LGC Sans
Condensed, Bold).
(The rest of the gray (i.e. wallpapers) could be fed with
some flourish, e.g. PCB conductor tracks in another gray
tone, ... your ideas ...).
Location: http://drop.io/centosvi