On 04/29/2016 05:00 AM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
On 29/04/16 00:28, Matthias Runge wrote:

I wonder, if there is more interest here for starting a logging and
monitoring SIG. It should provide (as the name says) for logging and
monitoring. With people running huge installations, it makes sense to
have more centralized logging, but there's currently not that much in
CentOS repositories.

I could imagine to have both tools and also installation and
configuration bits and pieces to be maintained by the SIG.

Before I'd be putting out more details, about what I could imagine or
what I would like to see, I would like to see some more interested folks
raising their hands.

Seems interesting !
Wondering if you're already targeting some known solutions for the
logging part at least.
For example the ELK stack is pretty known and (ab)used those days, but
proper packaging in .rpm format is still missing (and nothing even at
the Fedora level) so is that something you had in mind ?

We are targeting the EFK stack initially - we already have a lot of fluentd users, and most of the rpm packaging work for fluentd and its ruby dependencies has already been done.

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