Yes, thank you. Like Kenneth I've been wanting to help out and really didn't know where to begin.
I myself have been wanting to contribute and haven't found a good
clear "here's what you can do, step by step." This is a good guide to
go by, if this is what it takes to give a helping hand. I've been
pointed to the wiki a lot, but it is a bit too generic when it comes
to actually helping out with the OS core itself.
Thanks for this.
> _______________________________________________
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:05 AM, . <> wrote:
> Hello Centos-devel.
> As an outsider looking in, I have found that it is .. Not simple to find out
> what needs doing. I _think_ I am on the right track, but would like to be
> corrected if not. Here is what I have come up with from reading
> forums/mailing lists/irc. I hope someone can throw the below on the wiki
> somewhere appropriate once corrected. If I am way off, please let me know I
> would like to get started.
> How to help with Centos 6:
> Currently Centos 6 needs help re-branding RHEL6 as Centos 6. This is
> relatively easy to do if you know how to build RPMS, and make patch files.
> Step 1: Go here:
> This is a list of what issues still need to be fixed.
> Step 2: Pick something that looks fun (and perhaps easy), and click the bug
> id ('bid' column)
> This will take you to the mantis bug tracker page.
> Step 3: *Optional* If you are pretty sure you can fix this problem and don't
> want someone else re-inventing the wheel with you, Signup for a new account
> with , and let people know you are going to work on this.
> Don't worry about doing this if you are not sure you can do it. If you want
> to just try, skip this step.
> Step 4: Find the package name
> The "Category" of the bug you picked should have a package name in it, this
> is the package we are going to need to download and fix. If my example
> category was:
> '[CentOS-6] xulrunner' then I would be patching the xulrunner package.
> Step 5: Download the package
> ie:
> Step 6: Fix the package
> The issues should already be laid out for you in the description of the
> mantis bug tracker. Modify the files, and rebuild the RPM. Once you think
> you have fixed everything, create a patch file. Test your patch file on a
> fresh install.
> Need icons / images? Find them on a centos 5.x box.
> Do you have to do this from a RHEL6 beta installation? No you don't _have_
> to. We are after the patch, not your RPMS.
> Step 7: If you haven't created an account at, now is the
> time. Create an account and attach your patch file.
> Step 8: Give the nearest person a high-five and then go to Step 1.
> CentOS-devel mailing list
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