On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Troy Dawson <tdawson@redhat.com> wrote:
I've been debating this all week and decided it's probably better as a
community decision than just my own.

The current source rpm for origin is generated using tito on the
origin git repo.  The biggest problem with this is the tarball is
generated on the fly and sortof encorporated into the spec file.  That
makes it hard for others to duplicate the src.rpm and/or make patches
for it.

If I were an outsider (not on the openshift team) and making an rpm
for Fedora/EPEL, I wouldn't do this.  I would grab the released
tarball from Github and build my spec file around that.

Solution 1:
Keep things the same.
Do others really care that they can't duplicate the src.rpm without
tito, as long as they can recompile it?

Personally, I like this approach since it integrates with rhpkg/fedpkg very well. I'm not sure if CentOS has a similar tool that provides dist-git alongside koji, but I like the idea of being able to leverage the same spec file for all builds.

That said, I do wonder if providing a tool that could "convert" the tito managed spec file to one that can be run outside of tito would be beneficial.


Solution 2:
Create a origin spec file that uses the tarball from Github.
I've already done this.  It works quite well.  But it does involve
some manual spec file editing.

p.s. I am totally fine either way.  The only reason I've been debating
this is because I keep having issues with tito making the whole

cc'ing Devan Goodwin, since he knows a bit about tito. I'm also cc'ing Adam Miller, since I know he is packaging OpenShift Origin for Fedora.

Jason DeTiberus