Greetings All!

Time for another Storage SIG meeting [1] i.e. first one in 2015. We will be meeting in #centos-devel on Freenode.


#info     Topic:        Status Updates
#info    Subtopic:   GlusterFS
#info    Subtopic:   OpenAFS
#info    Subtopic:   Ceph
#info    Subtopic:   SCST
#info    Open Floor

Action items from previous meetings:

  1. billings to build OpenAFS using koji
  2. billings deason alphacc kbsingh to to brainstorm on some infrastructure/automation to automatically build a new srpm every time a new kernel comes out
  3. lalatenduM will help deason to get standard policy or guidance on packaging selinux rules
  4. lalatenduM will help scuttlemonkey on 101 for building Ceph on cbs
  5. kbsingh will start a discussion on "the build system should build the kmod packages from a spec file rather than having the makefile specificall build the rpm" as openafs and scst will need the functionality
  6. vlnb to sync with lalatenduM to get access of buildsys
  7. Humble and lalatenduM to think more how tos/wikis for gluster in storage SIG.


#lalatenduM on Freenode