On Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 12:39:40PM -0500, Kaleb Keithley wrote:
> > would make sense. And we could even make additional shared branches
> > where necessary, using modularity to make optional streams which could
> > be used in CentOS SIGs, EPEL, or a Fedora OS.
> Sounds great.
> But I hope we don't have to wait for all that to happen before we get C8
> buildroots in CBS for the SIGs to build packages.
Is it possible for SIGs to build those packages in EPEL directly or Copr
(via the EPEL 8 target) in the meantime?
It is possible. I can (and do) build --scratch packages in koji. I can't do real builds in EPEL because there are downstream packages in RHEL.
But whether I build them there or in Copr it's still not the same as having them in the CentOS $sig repos and have them be installable using the $package-repo RPM from Extras. It's about convenience for the end users, one stop shopping, the appearance of legitimacy and the cachet of being a part of CentOS, etc.
Which was the point of putting our packages in the (Storage) SIG in the first place.
Asking us to build them in EPEL or Copr is a step backwards.