Please let me introduce myself. I am Beth Lynn Eicher with the FAS username of bethlynn. My background is a career in engineering systems deployments in research computing. I have worked at the Carnegie Mellon University, the Department
of Energy, and the University of Chicago. Currently, I am a High Performance Computing consultant with clients like Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the University of Wyoming. There, I worked with Bridges, an XSEDE participating site.
Bridges uses CentOS 7 as do many other large installations. If you look at the top500, CentOS is the most popular named distribution. I hypothesize that CentOS is in the majority of the overall market share. It is a solid choice for all
HPC systems.
The tools for use with HPC are often built by our greater community but seldom packaged by EPEL. I am unware of rpm builds for the following Free Software projects:
As an industry contributor from a small company, I am unencumbered by institutional politics which may cause reluctance to collaboration. Therefore, I believe that I would be a very useful contributor to a HPC SIG within the CentOS community.
Yesterday, I spoke about cybersecurity in HPC at the CentOS Dojo. There we had a significant amount of energy around HPC and I would like to see this conversation continue. Today, I sought out the HPC SIG of CentOS. While there is evidence
of activity, I have not seen anything more recent than Fall of 2017. Where is everybody?
Beth Lynn Eicher
Arcutek | Solutions Consultant
W: 312-767-2894
M: 312-566-8947