Hi Karanbir,


Thought I would forward this if you had not seen it!



easiest way to install hadoop on ubuntu




Successfully installed YARN (Hadoop 2.0.2-alpha) on ubuntu. Once ssh is setup the installation is straight forward unless you want to tweak the properties. I like the manual install as you don't know what these scripts are modifying on your system :)

By Neeraj Goswamy










Follow Neeraj




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Jaquis, As You Like It!


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-----Original Message-----
From: centos-devel-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-devel-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Karanbir Singh
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:16 AM
To: centos-devel@centos.org
Subject: [CentOS-devel] Adding Linux Test Project content to our tests






"The Linux™ Test Project is a joint project started by SGI™ and

maintained by IBM®, that has a goal to deliver test suites to the open

source community that validate the reliability, robustness, and

stability of Linux. The LTP testsuite contains a collection of tools for

testing the Linux kernel and related features."



In the week leading upto 6.4, Christoph Galuschka and I had started

looking at how we might be able to integrate those tests into what we

are doing. Since the 6.4 sprint kicked in, we resorted to just running

the tests manually; Which worked well. However, I feel its worth putting

these tests into the harness we have in place, and making sure they are

run whenever we call for 'distro tests' or 'update tests'.


One option is to have the entire suite run as a single tests/r_ltp/

suiet under t_functional; the other is to either have its own suite, we

can directly import from upstream, or have it be a part of the

t_external/ test suite ( along with the likes of wordpress / drupal and

other things ).


Thoughts ?


- KB



Karanbir Singh

+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh

GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc


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